How to sell

I.Access or create an account

The first step is more than obvious. You must enter the platform. To do it, head to the top right of the screen as shown below, and click Click on “Access” or “Create account”.

If you click on “Access”, the following screen will appear, where you will have several options:

  • Sign in with a Google account: the most comfortable and fastest option, position that you will use one of your existing accounts to log in, bypassing the sign-in process. record.
  • Log in: If you have a dSalud account, you can simply to access with your email and password, in addition to verifying the CAPTCHA.
  • Sign up: If you do not have an account, you must click here to start he registration process.

On the other hand, if you click “Create Account”, you will go to a window where you must choose how you want to use dSalud. In this case, you will click “I want to buy” and you must complete the registration form.

Once you have clicked on the "Create account" button, a message will be sent to you to you email with a confirmation link. You will have to go to the inbox of the email that you used, open the message that dSalud has sent you and click on the button that says "Confirm your email". You will be redirected to another window where you must Start session with your new account.

You are now ready to start selling.

II. Sales process.

When you have logged in, a message will appear directly on the screen informing you that you have not created any store yet. You must click on "New shop" to begin the configuration process.

Once you have clicked on “New store”, a form will appear that you must fill out with personal data such as: legal name of the company, CIF, telephone number, email and address. Then click “Next” to continue with the registration of your store.

It is time to add more specific information. Fill in the name and description So as identifying photographs of the business and again click "Next".

Choose What type of service are you going to offer? between different categories. Beam click "Next".

Finally, select your shipping methods.Click “Next.”

At this point, you will have finished setting up your store. Now it is the moment of create the services what will you offer.

On the left side of the screen, you will see a menu with three sections: Start, Catalog and Orders. By clicking on Catalog you will be able to see the associated services to you store. In this case, since the store is new, you must click on “Create Service".

will be displayed a new form in which you must enter the information of the service that you are going to sell. You have to be as specific as possible, since this way You will attract the attention of the platform's buyers.

In addition to basic information such asthe name of the service, the price, what type of product is and description, There are some important fields that you must to complete:

  • Shipment
  • Image gallery

If you like view or create other services, It's as easy as clicking “Catalogue” and repeat the process again.

From “Start” you will be able to view a summary panel of the active services and the registered stores, in addition to all the activity that is taking place around what what you offer

To create another store, go to the top right of the screen. You will see two dropdowns, one referring to your stores and another referring to your account. Click on the first and click again “See all my stores”.

Here you can create a new store following the steps previously described in this guide, as well as viewing all the stores already created.

III. Orders

At this point, all that remains is to wait for buyers to place their orders.

When you receive an order, you can view it by clicking “Orders” on the side left of the screen.

You will see that recent orders appear as pending (in blue), this is because you must accept the purchase. Once accepted, its status will change to active (in green) although It may also be canceled (in red).

As you have seen, the sales process at dSalud is very easy and with this guide you will not you will have no kind of problem.