How to buy

I. Access or create an account

The first step is more than obvious. You must enter the platform. To do it, head to the top right of the screen as shown below, and click Click on “Access” or “Create account”.

If you click on “Access”, the following screen will appear, where you will have several options:

  • Sign in with a Google account: the most comfortable and fastest option, position that you will use one of your existing accounts to log in, bypassing the sign-in process. record.
  • Log in: If you have a dSalud account, you can simply to access with your email and password, in addition to verifying the CAPTCHA.
  • Sign up: If you do not have an account, you must click here to start he registration process.

On the other hand, if you click “Create Account”, you will go to a window where you must choose how you want to use dSalud. In this case, you will click “I want to buy” and you must complete the registration form.

Once you have clicked on the "Create account" button, a message will be sent to you you email with a confirmation link. You will have to go to the inbox of the email that you used, open the message that dSalud has sent you and click on the button that says "Confirm your email". You will be redirected to another window where you must Start session with your new account.

You are now ready to start shopping.

II. Purchasing process

When you are on the dSalud main page with your session logged in, go to the top of the screen. You will see a search engine where you can write your address current and filter according to the type of health service you need, the distance to you location and price range.

Once you have clicked search, a list of available services will appear. according to your preferences. Again, you will have the option to sort this listing by distance or price.


Once you have located the service you want to buy, it is time to read carefully its description and see everything the seller tells you.

If you have any questions before making the purchase, you can write to the seller doing click “Contact the supplier” yfilling out the form. However, if you are agreement it's time to press the button “Reserve at…” from the right side for Make the purchase.

Once you have clicked on "Book to...", a pop-up window will appear. Here a notice will appear that you are about to book the service and a brief summary of the same. Also, you can leave a specific note to the supplier before making the order. buys.

Once the purchase is complete, you will be able to view the details of your reservation on the screen, but, besides,a message will be sent to your email with a summary of it.

At this point, you will be able to view both your account settings and everything you order history by clicking on the top right.

You will see your recent orders appear as pendings (in blue), this is because you must Wait for the seller to accept your purchase. Once accepted, your status will change to confirmed (in green) although it could also be canceled (in red).

If you would like to make another purchase, it is as easy as clicking on the center button “Find organic products”, located at the top of the window, with which you will return to the main page.

As you have seen, the purchasing process at dSalud is very easy and with this guide you will not you will have no kind of problem.